Sitting Tall
Ho! As Shakira would squeal, "mi vida! mi vida!" No measuring my life in Nestle Nidina spoons like TS Eliot; it has been very chaotic and exciting lately. On Monday my parents left me at Yaya's for the day and just when I had resigned myself to spending the night there and drifted off to sleep, they suddenly showed up well past my bedtime and woke me up and spirited me away in my mom's car. The ride home was so funny that I was collapsed in guffaws the entire way because one minute my father wouldn't be there and then he would mysteriously reappear from behind the seat in front of me. There were also lights everywhere I looked because it was dark, so everything was vying for my attention and bemusement. Lately it gets dark before my bedtime, so if I am out in the afternoon, I get to see the city in a new vibrant light and that makes me happy. For example, on Tuesday night we went to Pili Carrera to buy me a new pair of shoes because I absent-mindedly kicked one of them off over the weekend when we were out walking and nobody was looking. My legs have grown so long that I like to put them up on the handle bars of the bugaboo now to stretch them and I guess I got a little too comfortable. The other big news is that I can sit up now from a lying down position with just a little bit of assistance from my father's index finger and can mostly stay up like that except when I get a little too casual or sloppy and fall backwards. That pisses me off and hurts my Spanish pride, but I get right back up again. It also makes it easier to lunge at things that I feel like grabbing, so sometimes I end up going over flat on my face and I still am not too sure how one deals with that position. It's also getting cooler outside now, so I mostly wear long pants or, on occasion, leotards, which I don't like it all because they preclude me from putting my toes in my mouth. I'm being a little more cooperative in diversifying my palate and eat pretty much everything that's thrown my way, but I really love yogurt. Mmmmmm. Yesterday there was a mix-up in feedings and I ended up getting to eat two whole ones before anybody realized it. That's about all for now. Rumor has it that my Tia Inma might be taking me for a whole day soon to find out how much fun it is to spend that much time with a personality as dynamic and expressive as mine.