Juli La Chuli

This is the blog of the young and talented Julia Schofield Tort of Barcelona, Spain.

My Photo
Location: Barcelona, Spain

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Me and my Mommy arriving at the post-Baptism hootenanny. Posted by Picasa

Thoroughly enjoying my after-party. Posted by Picasa

There were some new faces at the party, but I still kept close to two of my most frequent dining partners. Posted by Picasa

Mommy shows me how things can be made to work. Posted by Picasa

Starting to get pissed about being followed around with a camera all the time.  Posted by Picasa

I empathize with most of my interlocutors. Posted by Picasa

I've learned to discreetly clean my mouth once I am done eating.  Posted by Picasa

Holding my breath until I get my way. Posted by Picasa

I have spaces between my teeth, courtesy of my Daddy's genes. Posted by Picasa

There was plenty of good conversation all around the table. Posted by Picasa

I try to listen respectfully to others' points of view.  Posted by Picasa

Here I am caught in a transparent attempt to conceal my mishievous nature with the nearest, most convenient object, while my favorite pastel-blue doll - which was given to me by my favorite cousin Melaina, I might add - looks on indifferently. Posted by Picasa

It looks like I'm learning how to dance Catalan Sardanas, but that's even simpler than standing up, and in reality I'm just trying to concentrate on getting from A to B without needing intermediaries. Posted by Picasa

I was mad. I don't remember why - but it should never be allowed to happen, ever. Posted by Picasa

They had a great open-air deck in our room at the restaurant, so I was able to indulge in a little play time after the ecclesiastical formality of the morning. Posted by Picasa

At one point, climbing through the fence and going for a swim in the Mediterranean seemed a viable option. Posted by Picasa

Everybody seems to be very apprehensive about what I might do next. Posted by Picasa

I eat a spoon beneath Auntie Inma's vigilant gaze. Posted by Picasa

I successfully resist the urge to set the stork aflame with the pyrotechnics adorning my cake. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

On my way to becoming a paid-in-full Child of God. Posted by Picasa

Calling the meeting to order and giving my thoughts on baptism in the third millenium. Posted by Picasa

The younger generation of girls in the clan with Daddy thrown into the mix. Posted by Picasa

Gathering outside the church to head down to the port for a yummy post-event lunch. Posted by Picasa

Everybody was very pleased with my considerate behavior. Posted by Picasa

The whole ceremony left me looking to the heavens for meaning. Posted by Picasa