Juli La Chuli

This is the blog of the young and talented Julia Schofield Tort of Barcelona, Spain.

My Photo
Location: Barcelona, Spain

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

As you can see, suburban life agreed with me and I even purchased a gas-guzzling little truck that superceded my transportation needs. Posted by Picasa

Auntie Inma showed me this trick of how to make funny noises with my hands when they are wet and I can't get enough of it. Posted by Picasa

You can only show your best side to one camera at a time. Posted by Picasa

During my stay, I realized that you can find water almost anywhere. Posted by Picasa

I never saw such big watering cans... Posted by Picasa

...and used them to my own ends. Posted by Picasa

My Papa showed me the land of his birth. Posted by Picasa

There was time for casual frolic, but... Posted by Picasa

The ocean made me contemplative. Posted by Picasa

I had some help from both mommy... Posted by Picasa

...and daddy. Posted by Picasa

My first taste of the mighty Atlantic. Posted by Picasa