The Barcelona Spring of '06
The easter week holidays were a lot of fun and I had the opportunity to go all over the place. They started with a trip to a big plaza in Barcelona to have my palm plant blessed by a bishop or some nonsense, but I guess observing superstitions never hurt anybody, right? Well, at least the ones that they don't expect any financial compensation for rendering. We also went down to the beach in the Costa Dorada and I got to walk around on my Yayas' terrace which is about as big as my apartment and was completely empty and open because they are doing some work there. They had some rides on the beachwalk that were nice, but it's always a double-edged sword because once I start playing on them, I never want to leave. (Kind of like with the bathtub, but at least my Daddy lets me play there sometime when there's not even any water in it). A few days later, we drove up to the Empordà near L'Escala to visit my Mommy's friend Monica and her family at their new casa de campo. It was great! They had a really nice pool that has a big stone platform that runs all the way around it that my Daddy let me crawl on and he even held me while I dipped first my arms, then my face, in the chilly water. We also found an ant that was carrying his dead friend, and I tried to eat them, but my Daddy made me let them go and said something about Karma. There were also things to ride and GRASS TO PLAY ON and even a TV remote control inside, which I always have a soft spot for. En fin, I really crashed at the end of such a busy five-day weekend. Now life is back to normal, but as is often the case, things will never be quite the same and I keep learning new stuff and adjusting my life and outlook accordingly. I understand more words than I used to - stupid stuff like "pendientes," "moon," "nariz," "ears" - and like to show off by demonstrating this dubious mastery whenever I am called upon to do so. I walk around as long as somebody holds onto one of my hands with their finger, but it still seems like a long way to fall to me and I prefer the velocity of crawling. I have been accused of being reckless and daring, but I have no significant physical remnants of this behavior, so I don't foresee any problems with it. My universe, my terms.